Back Pain Causes and Treatments

Back pain:

The main cause of back pain is spinal damage. Bottom of the spine are Carry maximum weight. If affected bone at the bottom, muscles, and tendons the pain can occur. Everyone back pain, In particular,45, 65 age peoples have affected this back pain.70% of people At least once in their life suffering from  back pain.90 percent of the people Back pain is temporary and transitory. The remaining 5 percent of the population Suffers from severe nerve pain.

Back pain Causes:

1. Back pain caused by rheumatic disorders. First is lack of exercise and second is more exercise. They can cause back pain.

2. The lack of proper body, can not proper body and the seating, back mistakes.

BACK PAIN CAUSES3. The body is bent on lifting heavy weights.

4. In two-wheel vehicles more time to travel, Drove the car with traveling long.

5. Bone Canton disorders, Joint disorders, Infectious diseases, kidney disorders, women Diseases, These can cause back pain.

6. Stress, Tension also causes of back pain.

7. Weak body muscles, relaxation Muscles, Sprains, muscle fibers Damage, Joint disorders, Sneezing, All of a sudden to crouch. Also causes of back pain.

8. Can not wear proper shoes, to wear Height heel shoes Causes back pain?

9. Exceptional reasons- Cancer, nervous system diseases causes back pain.

First aid treatments:

To ice dressings on back can apply back pain ointments. Can Dressings. Then the pain started Dressings ice in 48 hours.

After, can given hot dressings. Hot water baths can reduce pain. Bed rest; do not be kept lying down. Be slow walking.

If the pain not less then you must go to the doctor. Drink lemon juice with salt. Reduce stress Many physical disorders due to stress.

Patients who do not believe this! Mind Stress can increase blood pressure. Muscles will be stiff, Could lead to spinal pain.

Please trust them with yoga.

In old age Spinal bone, hip bone, will be broke. In elderly persons live places the floor should not be smooth. Must be good with light, Can fall Carpet places. Therefore, they something holds to stroll through. Erosion could occur in old bones, some minerals Form between bones that caused friction. So can occur pain in bones.

When the spine is weak in a series of bones to be some Line from will be away. So can occur Back Pain, Spinal muscular pain. It occurs more than 35 years of age.

What’s the treatment for back pain?

By a variety of reasons suffered from severe back pain Going to the Doctor they say the first is the need to take bed rest.

Can keep physiotherapy treatment, you can put the belt on the waist. Doctors say be not pain, Motivation for body to eat Steroid pills. Lastly they say do Operation. At that time, reduces the pain of steroid tablets the pain comes back. More than the pills pose a hazard to health.  But Injections, medicines, pills, Operation without a traditional medicine Back pain can be cured now.