The Medical Benefits of Papaya Fruits

Papaya it’s Fruits, seeds, leaves that is all have medicinal benefits.  Papaya is used as medicine for stomach disorder, it Promotes digestion, papaya protects the stomach and then removes the insects. The dark spots on the skin, warts and diverting.This medicine are used to remove seeds and insects. Juice of the leaves is used as medicine for the fever to go used to cure heart disease.

Pieces of papaya enzymes that degrade proteins from the pappain, kaimopappain, malic acid, pegged the kalikal, protein, sugar, kriptocant’s, vayala of Chand, carotene, ascorbic acid, aneurin, raipopile of chemical products such as  extracted.

Medical Uses of Papaya fruit

Papaya fruit is often given to children, to speed up the pace of the body. Bone growth, tooth is determined.
Papaya is a piece come together and gradually lean stocky body.
Eat papaya fruit to reduce the swelling of the liver.
Papaya fruit is soaked in honey to reduce nervousness.
Mashed ripe fruit pulp, honey and face paint as well, then there’s hot water to wash the face the changing face of beauty.

Medical Benefits Of Papaya

Grind papaya seeds mixed in milk and eat insects will be destroyed tongue.
Stomatitis piece of papaya milk, apply over sores heal ulcers.
Papaya milk, green mixed with mud to rub over the lesions heal ulcers.
Papaya latex paint on the child’s head to the sores heals ulcers.
Papaya leaves, grind it to a tie break tie.
Swelling and inflammation of the crushed leaves of papaya to soluble paint.
Looking to grind the seeds in papaya scorpion affect pain, landing thing.
Women to take Papaya curry with vegetables, milk secretion may come along in food.
Papaya Fruits

This fruit available all peoples. Most cost less than apple.  Its benefits too. Papaya has many medicinal properties. Papaya is very low Calorie. There are 32 calories have 100 grams of papaya. If you can live with the disease of papaya daily.

The nutrients in papaya:

There are many nutrients in papaya. Vitamin, folic acid, pottaciyam, copper, phosphorus, iron. Papayas have Vitamin ‘C’ and sugar. Some of papaya vitamin B 1, vitamin B 2 and has niacin. If you eat a lot of lentils untap the papaya pieces will be better digestion.
Following 4 weeks of eating papaya fat, found that 19.2 percent decrease. Papaya fruit can be used for skin care. Dry the skin removed; create a new skin for an extended warranty is amazing power.
Papaya fruit slowly in face paint make good massage. Wash in hot water after moderation. Sunny face to shine.